Super Maruo

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Super Maruo
Box art
Super Maruo FC Cartridge.png
¥6800 ($43.52 USD)
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Super Maruo (スーパーマルオ) is an unlicensed Family Computer game released in December 1986 in Japan. It's notable for being the first known unlicensed Famicom software ever released and the first to have adult content. Nintendo would take action and the game would be pulled shortly after its release.


Screenshot of the game screen featuring Maruo, a woman, and a dog.

The player controls Maruo and the goal is to chase after the running woman while avoiding the dog that follows and blocks the player. When Maruo makes contact with the woman, a cutscene will play of her stripping her clothes. The game restarts with Maruo and the woman lacking clothes. When Maruo makes contact with the woman for a second time, it results in the game playing an erotic cutscene. The game then loops with Maruo and the woman retaining their clothes and it cycles through several erotic cutscenes. There are a total of four different erotic cutscenes, which requires making contact with the woman 8 times in order to view all the cutscenes in the game. The game loops when the last cutscene has played.


The game would release in December 1986 by mail order and was advertised in game magazines and an estimated 500 copies were sold. About a month after the release of the game, Nintendo would put a stop to its distribution and print ads for the game were pulled shortly after. It is now considered to be a collectors item.



